Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Wood Ducks!

For our projects, we focused on the research life of the wood duck. We all had an interest in cool looking birds, and after searching for a species we could find here, we settled on the wood duck because of it's unique color and habitat. We decided that we wanted to build a nest for wood ducks and see if we could house any. Deciding behind hidden creek aqua park was the best place since it is a wetland with vegetation, we built the nest to certain dimensions and placed it in the vegetation behind the aqua park. We waited a week and returned, but sadly, the nest was gone. There was evidence of wildlife interacting with the area, but the nest itself disappeared. Despite this, we still learned a lot about the species and that we would have had a better chance to house one a little later in the season this year
-Dylan, Jorge and Omar

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