Tuesday, May 5, 2015

The Dangers Of Bottled Water

The Effects of bottled water on your body and your environment-
Dangers to our body:
-Exposed to BPA (Bisphenol A): an estrogen mimicking chemical.
It hosts health problems such as:
-learning/behavioral problems
-altered immune system function
-early puberty and fertility problems
-decreased sperm count
-prostate and breast cancer
-diabetes and obesity
-Phthalaltes- Chemical that makes plastic bottles flexible
It hosts health problems such as:
-reduces sperm counts
-testicular atrophy or structural abnormality
-liver cancer
Dangers to our environment:
-Rather than being recycled, about 75 percent of the empty plastic bottles end up in our landfills, lakes, streams and oceans, where they may never fully decompose.
-Plastics act as pollutants
-Plastic contributes to 10 percent of waste
-Plastic chemicals can seep into soil and groundwater which effects our drinking water
- Can poison animals which draws concerns to our human food supply
-Similar to humans, animals exposed to plasticizers can experience developmental defects
-Entanglement in plastic debris has been responsible for the deaths of many marine organisms, such as fish, seals, turtles, and birds. These animals get caught in debris and end up suffocating or drowning

Gloriann Lance, Sloan Paschen, Allison Edheimer

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