Monday, May 18, 2015

Sam Wiczer:BPA-free water bottles

I researched BPA-Free water bottles and he effect BPA has on humans. BPA is a chemical known as bisphenol A. Bisphenol A is an industrial chemical used to make (hard) plastic water bottles. BPA is a polycarbonate, which is a synthetic resin, used in making many molded materials. polycarbonate and epoxy resin materials that are great for food containers and for storing beverages. They do not conduct electricity or attract heat. BPA is an endocrine disruptor, which means it blocks the production of natural hormone such as: testosterone (men) and Estrogen (women). Men drinking out of BPA bottles have shown increased levels of estrogen and lower testosterone levels. BPA was first created by a chemist named Alexander Dianin in 1891. It was only until the 1950's were BPA plastics became relevant to the public. BPA was first created to make new design techniques and injection moldings. Now most water bottle companies make BPA-free bottles to prevent any side effects that come with drinking out of BPA.

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